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Redakai trading-card game

Redakai trading-card game

Conquer with Cards

Trading-card-game action has hit a new level with Redakai and its Blast3D animation effects. Watch your X-Drive Character, Monster and Attack cards come to life as you challenge friends to become powerful warrior masters. Redakai Championship Set, ($29.99)

All prices listed are MSRP -- manufacturer's suggested retail price. You can often find better prices at stores or online. Purchases from links on this page help support Boys' Life and the Boy Scouts of America.

5 Comments on Redakai trading-card game

  1. Is Redakai based on the trading card game Magic? or is it a competitor to the trading card game Magic?

  2. Redakai is going to be soooooooooo kewl!

  3. this doesn’t tell you much.

  4. I think redakai is going to be a big hit. This game to me is going to be the best. When I was little I would be next to him and he would teach me how to play card games when I learned enough we would start battling each other. I would win sometimes but he would win the most but now I have a chance to win at something I now.

  5. awsome,fantastic, it is as awsome as as 30 cars.

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