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Avoiding mosquito attacks

Q. I feel like a mosquito magnet. Seems like every time I go on outings with my troop, I’m the only one who gets bitten. What can I do? Help!

— Badly Bitten Ben, Smyrna, Ga.

A. Luckily there are some things you can do. First, wear long pants, a long-sleeve shirt and a hat. If the mosquitoes can’t find your skin, then it’s harder for them to bite you. There’s even clothing with a built-in mosquito repellent called permethrin. Try Ex Officio’s Buzz Off long-sleeve tee ($34; and Buzz Off Air Strip pants ($75). I tested this stuff in the Yukon during an expedition recently where the mosquitoes were big enough to carry off a house cat — and it works!

Wear light colors, too, as mosquitoes seem more attracted to dark colors, and lay off scented shampoos and soaps because some bugs love the smell.

As for insect repellents, look for products that contain either DEET or picaridin as the active ingredient.

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