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BL’s Interview With Documentary Moviemaker Ken Burns

Ken Burns knows a little something about making movies. His famous documentaries, including “The Civil War” and “Baseball,” have won many awards over the years.

BL sat down with Burns, a former Scout, to talk about his latest film, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea,” which first aired on PBS in late September 2009.

Listen as Ken Burns talks about the importance of national parks in this slideshow, and then click on the audio clips below to hear more of our exclusive interview.

The origin and use of the “Ken Burns Effect”:

How Ken Burns arrives at specific film subjects:

To read more about Ken Burns, check out the September 2009 issue of Boys’ Life magazine.

4 Comments on BL’s Interview With Documentary Moviemaker Ken Burns

  1. I like what Ken had to say about how he approaches subjects – he doesn’t just tell you what he already knows but wants you to have the experience of discovery as he has it. As a beginning documentary filmmaker myself, it’s good to know that the pro doesn’t talk from up high, but is right there with the learning himself. Thats why Ken’s stuff is so powerful.

  2. I think this was a good interview. Going out with your family and frinds and seeing the real america and world.

  3. This, I think will be great. Also, it will coincide with the United States Mint’s National Park Quarter program which begins next year.

  4. How do I hear the interview….there is no link

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