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The Earth-friendly community of the future

Welcome to the green, Earth-friendly community of the future. For the past seven months, we have told you how to Go Green! Here’s what our world might look like once we have all gone green. Imagine the possibilities.

Water-harvesting systems collect rainwater. Indoor systems filter and reuse wastewater.

Homes are a mix of old and new. Traditional building materials include straw, adobe and packed earth. Computer-controlled laser cutters reduce construction waste. Skylights provide natural light, while solar energy heats and cools the home. Houses are full of recycled materials.

Turbines capture energy in the air and at sea. Blimps with blades sail high, and flying turbines soar even higher: three miles above Earth, harnessing strong high-altitude winds. Below the waves, tidal turbines catch the ocean’s strength.

Wind farms provide clean energy. Solar farms cover hundreds of acres and provide electricity without any pollution.

Native trees, flowers, grasses and bushes use less water, purify the air, pull contaminants out of the soil and filter storm water. Green spaces replace some concrete city areas and streets.

Many people telecommute, working from home. Energy-efficient transportation choices include a national system of trails for walking and biking, “clean” trains and mass-transit systems.

Fans flock to sports arenas by mass transit. At the stadium, solar panels follow the sun’s movements to catch its energy. Wind funnels through turbines inside the arena’s structure, circulating through vents to provide cool air on hot days.

People grow some of their own food in community and rooftop gardens. Shoppers buy fresh, organic produce at farmers’ markets. Buying locally cuts carbon emissions from shipping food long distances. Farming organically keeps chemical pesticides and fertilizers out of the ground and waterways.

Stores no longer hand out paper or plastic bags. Shoppers bring their own reusable bags to carry stuff.

Cars zoom along with solar panels, mini-turbines, lithium batteries and on-board generators, powered by electricity and various alternative fuels.

Planes and airships run on solar power, with energy stored in batteries. Hydrogen-powered airliners make the jump to hypersonic Mach 5 speeds. Personal air vehicles are lightweight and fuel-efficient.

When products reach the end of their usefulness, shoppers return them to the store for recycling.

It wasn’t long ago that computers came on the scene, opening up huge numbers of new jobs. In the same way, green technologies provide new career opportunities. Jobs that never existed before are in demand, both now and in the future.

Lunar habitats are almost completely self-sustaining. Huge mirrors use sunlight to create electricity. Fish tanks and gardens supply food, while liquids and waste are cleaned for reuse.

10 Comments on The Earth-friendly community of the future

  1. solar panels cool,growing our own food nice,
    Turbines smart,less transportaition interesting,
    Flying cars sweet!!!

  2. Brandoawesome // September 24, 2014 at 9:54 pm // Reply

    How do I learn more about flying cars?

  3. girl scout caddete // December 21, 2010 at 5:22 pm // Reply

    that is really cool
    my dad has a mini garden in our garage

  4. girl scout caddete // July 15, 2010 at 6:59 pm // Reply


  5. PyroFire // May 9, 2009 at 5:05 pm // Reply

    I love the future! I wish I could travel forward in time so I can experiance the vast technology.

  6. that’s so cool! I will like so much the world to be like that. It is very green

  7. Going Green is the best thing to do….my family has an organic garden and it is so cool!

  8. the future is green

  9. I think so to!

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