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A peek at BL Workshop projects from decades past

SAFETY FIRST: Ask an adult to help with tools you haven't used before.

To close out our 100th birthday year, here’s a glimpse of some BL projects from decades past. Want to try them? Download the PDFs to see the original instructions and guidelines.

Make a photo display
July 1989

With a little woodworking skill, you can display your photos in a collage that can be hung on a wall for everyone to enjoy.

How to make a folding camp lantern
March 1951

Here’s a new item you might add to your list of lightweight equipment — a compact folding lantern.

How to make a periscope
January 1972

Did you ever wish you were a foot taller so you could look over a wall or fence, or be able to see more at a parade? With this easy-to-make periscope, you can.

Temporary Snow Shoes
January 1960

You can follow the example of the Indians and trappers of the far north, when they are caught short in a heavy snow storm. They make emergency shoes.

Dream On
September 1997

Troubled by nightmares? Hang a Native-American dreamcatcher by your bed and you’ll be sleeping soundly.

Submit a Photo of Your Project

Important Note: Please only upload photos of your project. Because of privacy rules, we can't post any photos that show people's faces. Always ask for your parent's permission before uploading anything to a website.

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