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Good lightweight pot for backpacking

Q. I recently bought a backpacking stove. Now I need a pot for boiling water. What is a good lightweight option?
– Camping Chris, Randolph, N.J.

A. Hey Chris, congrats on the new backpacking stove. As for a good lightweight pot, there are many options, but lightweight usually equals expensive. For instance, a good quality option is the Evernew Ti Ultralight Pot 1 ($42; It can hold 600 milliliters and weighs just 3.4 ounces since it’s made of titanium. Now, if that’s a little out of your budget, consider the MSR Stowaway Pot – 475ml
($16; This one is a bit smaller and heavier at 9.5 ounces, but it’s made of durable stainless steel and should last you for years. Depending on which stove you have, it’ll probably nest easily inside of either of these pots. Happy camping!

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4 Comments on Good lightweight pot for backpacking

  1. I have always prefered a camping mess kit. It eveything you need for $5 – $30. If alyou want on a pack trip is the pot, you take the pot. If you need more for another trip then you’ve got it. The pot can be hung, set in the coals or even used as a mini dutch oven. I also carry at least 1, 1 quart Army canteen with the canteen cup. The cup holds nearly a quart and can be cooked in. The handle gets pretty hot so be careful.

  2. What is the bailing wire for? Handle?

  3. We use #10 foodservice cans with bale wire a lot. You can get cans for free at any school or restraunt and bale wire is cheap at any hardware store. This is not only light in weight but inexpensive; a green concept too. After your outing simply toss it away and make a new one for the next trek. No scrubbing necessary.

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